(Japan) Walk around Tsurugajo Palace and Aizu-Wakamatsu area

Nov. 3, 2023

Tsurugajo Castle is another popular place to visit in Fukushima Prefecture. Although this area has a history as old as the Sengoku Period (1467 – 1568) up to the end of the Edo Period (1868), the palace was reformed and not so old. Only the tall stone walls are ancient, and actually I also think that the stone walls around the castle was more beautiful than the castle itself. However, the castle did look good and picture-perfect with the Autumn leaves.

A few kilometers away from Tsurugajo Castle, there is Aizu-Wakamatsu area close to the train station. There were many buildings, cafes and shops on the main street that looked interesting. The buildings look somewhat western. They were probably built in the Meiji period. Some of the shops were selling old coins and ancient items.

Also, you can see Akabeko (image character of Aizu area, inspired by a traditional wooden red bull toy) everywhere, even drawn on the city bus. Akabeko’s head is hanging, so if you touch it, the head would move.

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