10 Ways to Stay Safe as Solo Women Night Runners

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I love running in early mornings or at nights, and I always do. They are the best experiences, because in the morning the air is fresher, morning run is amazing, also before breakfast the body is the lightest. On the other hand, it is cooler to run at night in summer. There is less traffic and much more peaceful at night. Also, running under the moon or stars feels wonderful.

I think nobody should deny such pleasure just because of safety concern. Of course, bad things can happen anytime anywhere, but there are many ways to minimize the risk. So, let’s give it a try!

1) Let your Trusted Person know your usual routes

You can casually let your family or partner or close friends know where you usually go running. In case you disappear, they’ll know where to look for you.

2) Change your running routes/time Often

Occasionally, there could be stalkers out there. Changing your running/time often can help you avoid stalkers waiting for you somewhere…

3) Choose Major Big Roads at night

This is actually my “main” safety measure to run at night. At major big roads there are usually street lights along the way, cars passing by sometimes, or even buildings/shops around. All these will help you not to be alone, and you can call for help easily.

4) Wear Bright Color Clothes, Use Common Sense

Cars/Drivers really can hardly spot a person with black clothing at night, so it is for your own safety to wear bright color clothes. In case you really need to call for help, it’ll be easier for drivers to spot you too!

However, I usually try to dress “more conservative”, not to draw unnecessary attention at night, to avoid unnecessary troubles…

5) Stay alert of people around you

I wouldn’t tell you not to listen to music/use earphones while you run, because I do too!

However, it is important to keep in mind always pay attention to your environment, who or what is around you. For instance, if a person/car is behind you on a quiet road (nobody else around), it is actually quite obvious, you should notice it. And then, you could calculate your action (e.g. give him an unexpected attack and run before he could response, or run to look for help immediately)

6) Carry your Phone

Not only that you can call somebody for help or pick you up in case of emergencies, if you do find somebody following you, you can pretend to be calling police or somebody to scare them away.

7) Use GPS tracking device/app

iPhone has a function called “find me”, that can help your family/partner know exactly where you are. Also, there are plenty of free tracking apps in the market, so it is always good to carry your phone as a GPS tracking device!

8) Take Evidence

If you do feel a person or car is following you, go ahead and take a lot of photos of him and the number plate of the car. It might scare him off, and you can also use them as evidences.

9) Don’t be afraid to make noise or make a fight

If it is so unfortunately that you are being assaulted or captured, don’t be shy, use all your power to cry loudly, bite, punch, elbow, kick, scratch with nails, hit with head…

Don’t estimate yourself! You are a strong woman! You can do this without any training! If you try hard enough, there is a good chance that your attacker may let go.

10) Find Help or Pretend Find Help

Again, in case you feel like you may be at risk, someone may be following you, don’t hesitate! Just run! Just call for help! Call any car! Grab any stranger! Knock on any house! In fact, you can even walk up to a stranger, and pretend that he is your friend! You just need to scare him away.

Even if your feeling were wrong, nobody will blame you. But if your feeling were right, and you didn’t act when you still could, it will be too late!

At last, I wish all the women will enjoy running or any outdoor activities as we should. Don’t let safety issue stop us from doing anything we want! Stay safe~~

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